
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.


5 مشترك

    شعر انجليزي رووووعه


    المساهمات : 47
    تاريخ التسجيل : 03/12/2009
    الموقع : WwW.GmN187.BloGsPoT.CoM

    شعر انجليزي رووووعه Empty شعر انجليزي رووووعه

    مُساهمة  G.m.N الإثنين ديسمبر 14, 2009 6:07 pm

    السلام عليكم

    كيفكم يا اعضاء؟
    انشاء الله بخير
    طبعا المنتدى برد دي الفتره لكن انشاء الله نرجع واقوى من اول


    كنت احووووووص والفلف في النت
    وشفت بيت شعر مرررره كلاااااام وطبعا انجليزي
    والكلمات الصراحه مررره روووووعه
    وهذا انا اهديتوا لـــ..... الكل فاهم قصدي هههههه

    هذا هو الشعر

    You Make Me Feel Loved

    You make me feel like everything will work.
    Like life has hope and some meaning.
    Someone wants to see me!
    Someone wants me to call!
    Someone is so wonderful!
    Someone is so mending to my soul!
    You have put a smile on my face.
    I just hope I can put one on yours too.
    Please, please be mine forever
    So I can go on with this smile on my face
    Without it feeling the least bit out of place.

    --------------------------------------------------We have always been inseparable,
    Well at least since the age of two,
    Best friends we stood side by side,
    It was always me and you.

    We always told each other secrets,
    There wasn?ƒ?¢?¢â€??¬?¢â€??¢t anything we kept from each other,
    I loved you more than anything,
    You were like my brother.

    From kindergarten to 4th grade,
    You got teased for hanging out with a girl,
    Still you never left me alone,
    You put me before the world.

    Then I fell in love,
    With some guy in my 7th grade class,
    And when he broke my heart,
    You were there to kick his a$$.

    You were always there for me,
    Through the thick and thin,
    Always you were there,
    Being my best friend.

    No matter what happened to us,
    Or came in our way,
    You never left me all alone,
    You were there to stay.

    You threw me the biggest party,
    On my sweet sixteen,
    Everyone from school was there,
    But you I hadn?ƒ?¢?¢â€??¬?¢â€??¢t seen.

    As I went to open my presents,
    I opened your card first,
    It said the you loved me more than a friend,
    And my tears soon began to burst.

    Then out from the corner of the room,
    You began to walk my way,
    Tears came streaming down my face,
    I began to runaway.

    I locked myself in my room,
    And cried tears to form a sea,
    And soon I realized we were more than friends,
    That we were meant to be.

    I came out of my room,
    To find you standing there,
    I looked into your eyes,
    And realized you really cared.

    So soon you became my boyfriend,
    And we kissed for moments to last,
    And forgot all about just being friends,
    Like we were in the past.

    Then on my 21st birthday,
    You took me for surprise,
    As you went down on your knees,
    And I looked right in your eyes.

    You took my hand so firmly,
    As you were about to change your life,
    You took a ring from in your pocket,
    And said, ?ƒ?¢?¢â€??¬?…“Will you be my wife??ƒ?¢?¢â€??¬?¢â‚¬?’

    I was so shocked my mind went blank,
    I didn?ƒ?¢?¢â€??¬?¢â€??¢t know what to say,
    As I softly spoke words so true,
    Tears came as I said, ?ƒ?¢?¢â€??¬?…“Okay?ƒ?¢?¢â€??¬?¢â‚¬?’

    You looked at me and said,
    ?ƒ?¢?¢â€??¬?…“I have another present waiting for you.?ƒ?¢?¢â€??¬?¢â‚¬?’
    You opened the curtains only to see,
    A BMW painted blue.

    We both jumped in,
    My brand new car,
    And we took off for a ride,
    Though we didn?ƒ?¢?¢â€??¬?¢â€??¢t go far.

    Another car started swerving,
    And right in a flash,
    That car and I,
    Had suddenly crashed.

    It was a drunk driver,
    Who took my soon to be husbands life,
    And left me here all alone,
    His soon to be wife.

    If it wasn?ƒ?¢?¢â€??¬?¢â€??¢t for them,
    He?ƒ?¢?¢â€??¬?¢â€??¢d still be alive,
    Just shows to what happens,
    When you drink and drive

    ابغا ردووووووود يا جمااااااااعه bounce alien
    Kla$h 4 Ever

    المساهمات : 28
    تاريخ التسجيل : 03/12/2009

    شعر انجليزي رووووعه Empty رد: شعر انجليزي رووووعه

    مُساهمة  Kla$h 4 Ever الإثنين ديسمبر 14, 2009 6:12 pm

    يعطيك العافيه جيمي

    وشعر مرررررره كلاااااااااااام

    ونتظر جديدك جيمي

    المساهمات : 49
    تاريخ التسجيل : 05/12/2009

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    مُساهمة  m.s.a الإثنين ديسمبر 14, 2009 7:37 pm

    يعطيك العافيه رغم اني ماني فاهم شي
    بس الاكيد مادام صاحبه جموووووووول اكيد حلو
    والشباب اكدو انه روعه
    Smile Very Happy Very Happy Smile Very Happy

    المساهمات : 24
    تاريخ التسجيل : 09/12/2009

    شعر انجليزي رووووعه Empty رد: شعر انجليزي رووووعه

    مُساهمة  G.unit الثلاثاء ديسمبر 15, 2009 2:44 pm

    يجي يجي يجي
    واذا مايجي نورح نجيبوا ونجي


    يعطيك العافيه وربي مره كلام
    نتظر جديدك يا زعيم

    المساهمات : 28
    تاريخ التسجيل : 03/12/2009

    شعر انجليزي رووووعه Empty رد: شعر انجليزي رووووعه

    مُساهمة  NJM الثلاثاء ديسمبر 15, 2009 6:06 pm

    يعطيك يا ملك الانجليزي

    لكن ارحمنا يا شيخ ترا مره ما احد يعرف انجليزي

    نتظر جديدك العربي هع

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو السبت سبتمبر 28, 2024 3:34 pm